- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
Educational Expedition at World Heritage Sites
We collaborate with UNESCO World Heritage Sites to showcase important learning themes for school children via innovative pedagogical approach and interactive EdTech.
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education

Welcome to Learning Module 1 of "E-learning for World Heritage & Climate Protection: Innovative Education for All."
This module introduces young learners to the fundamental scientific consensus on climate change and the basic concepts of UNESCO World Heritage. It is designed to help learners explore how World Heritage sites can serve as observatories for the impacts of climate change and how these sites can contribute to local solutions.
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong

Welcome to Learning Module 1 of "E-learning for World Heritage & Climate Protection: Innovative Education for All."
This module introduces young learners to the fundamental scientific consensus on climate change and the basic concepts of UNESCO World Heritage. It is designed to help learners explore how World Heritage sites can serve as observatories for the impacts of climate change and how these sites can contribute to local solutions.
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
We invite you for an exploratory journey at the Augsburg World Heritage property together!
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong
- Trainer/in: Dan Sansome

Learning Module 2 through a problem-solving process to understand history and technological development of the water management system in Augsburg
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong

- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education

- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong
- Trainer/in: Dan Sansome

Lernmodul 2 durch einen Problemlösungsprozess zum Verständnis der Geschichte und der technologischen Entwicklung des Wassermanagementsystems in Augsburg
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong

- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education

- Trainer/in: mark egloff
- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: guan yi

- Trainer/in: Admin Heritage & Education
- Trainer/in: guan yi

Learners are invited to
work together on missions with Bo, a visitor from another planet, to explore
the geography, history and technology of the UNESCO World Heritage site -
Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region. There are 4 sections which link
the learner’s own lived experience with life in the Ore Mountains in the early
medieval period.
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong

Schüler*innen sind eingeladen, auf gemeinsamen Missionen mit Bo, einem Besucher
von einem anderen Planeten, die Geographie, Geschichte und Technik des
UNESCO-Welterbes Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří zu erkunden. Es gibt 4
separate Abschnitte, die die eigenen Alltagserfahrungen der Schüler*innen mit
dem Leben im Erzgebirge im frühen Mittelalter verbinden
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong
- Trainer/in: Dan Sansome

Schüler*innen sind eingeladen, auf gemeinsamen Missionen mit Bo, einem Besucher
von einem anderen Planeten, die Geographie, Geschichte und Technik des
UNESCO-Welterbes Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří zu erkunden. Es gibt 4
separate Abschnitte, die die eigenen Alltagserfahrungen der Schüler*innen mit
dem Leben im Erzgebirge im frühen Mittelalter verbinden
- Trainer/in: Ping Kong